Disclaimer: Depending on you and what you're looking for, this book may not appeal to you in the same way it appealed to me. It was the right book for me, based upon my reading of it and the synchronicity upon finding it when I needed guidance being something more than a mere coincidence.

The book is Delaying the Real World by Colleen Kinder.
This book gave opened my mind the the myriad of directions and paths I could take now that I'm out of college, at least for now. For months I'd been unable to figure out what I could do/ wanted to do that wouldn't have me feeling miserable or end up finding myself in a cubicle. The universe, as always receptive to my needs, directed me to this book. This book gives you a run down on options people have outside of the conventional life path. It provides resources, advice and keeps you grounded with their "keeping it real" section. I sometimes wish I came across this book in my final semester of college, but it can when I needed it to, so I'm not going to complain. This book has something that can appeal to everyone: work domestically, aboard, outdoors, in your own backyard/hometown options. It's great for people with an open mind and wanting to get something more out of life than what society tells you to desire.
Sometimes all it takes to reassess everything you thought about your reality and your life is someone to tell you to screw what you though you knew. This book expanded my awareness of my reality/world and helped me remember that there are people out there who felt the way I did, like I had limited options. However, that was an illusion because it was that I never had access to other resources and had any idea of where to look give me another perspective on the myriad of directions I could take in this life.
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