Hollywood never learns... but then something amazing happens.

It was announced this past week that Rooney Mara will be playing Tigerlily in the upcoming Peter Pan movie. I think we all know why this isn't right. If not, let me break it down for you.
This is Tigerlily:                                      This is Rooney Mara:
See the problem? If not, it's whitewashing. This is common in Hollywood and with so much discourse surrounding this topic online the same thing keeps on happening. I read a point online someone had made, stating that Hollywood gains a profit from this. They gain a profit from erasing people that actually exist by hiring these white actors because they know their target audience will watch it (white people). If we look at the portrayal of people of color in film over the years we know it's true, because people don't see a problem with this until the target audience (not PoC) becomes more aware nothing will change. 

On another note I found out today that an all black cast with be in a movie adaptation for MacBeth, which I'm so excited for as it's will also be directed by an African-American woman. It will be nice to see black actors in roles other than Othello and Caliban.


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