Spoiler Alert: The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones

We all know TV and internet are inseparable, we can watch shows online and programs display a hashtag during an episode so it can be talked about on twitter. I just watched the latest episode of The Walking Dead, it was highly disturbing though not for its gory element. This episode managed to demonstrate the strain an apocalyptic world can have on a little girl, to the point that she went and killed her little sister. Now, warning bells were ringing episodes ago about this girl and yet we couldn't help but be shocked she killed her sister.

After the episode I was scrolling through the #Walking Dead and saw a tweet that said "#WalkingDead just made the @Game of Thrones #redwedding look like a disney scene..."I found this a little intriguing as I'm a fan of the show and has read almost all of the books in the A Song of Fire and Ice Series (still reading A Dance with Dragons) I couldn't help but think, "We'll see if that's the case tomorrow." I thought this because after the infamous Red Wedding episode the Internet exploded with discourse surrounding it, reaction videos came out and George R.R. Martin got interviewed on a whole bunch of shows. If you've seen this episode then you know why people reacted the way the did, considering George's writing is laced with the deaths of his main characters. This may be morbid of me, but it really depends on the person when it comes to deciding whether seeing a pregnant woman being stabbed in her stomach is more disturbing than realizing a little girl killed her own sister and in return be killed by someone who maybe wanted to take on the role of being something of a mother to them.

In my mind the Internet is a vast space filled with millions of bubbles surrounding specific topics of discourse. The bubbles get bigger the more that topic is discussed and hashtags on the bottom of TV shows can be an indicator of how much that show is being discussed, which is seen by Twitter's trending topics. Those hashtags allow people to express their thoughts on that topic/ show and connect with other people no matter where they are. We're able to tell how much of an impact that topic has had on the audience by how much it spreads to other platforms. Will The Grove have as much of an impact as The Red Wedding did?


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