Technological change can raise the efficiency of resource use, but it also tends to raise both per capita resource consumption and the scale of resource extraction, so that, absent policy effects, the increases in consumption often compensate for the increased efficiency of resource use.
In other words, the benefits of technology are outweighed by how much the gains reinforce the existing, over-burdened system — making collapse even more likely.
Are we really surprised if this is the case? I mean look at the way we are, although that doesn't mean things can't change. I can argue with the way technology has advanced we're heading towards great societal change, the problem is which will come faster change or collapse? The Internet has allowed for discourse surrounding social/societal issues to flourish and spread across all mediums. Will we be able to collectively come together and affect change? In one of my classes my professor talked about how, as students, we need to come together and deal students loans, making demands towards banks and the government and do something. I just found it funny because these demands and changes need to be done by us... on our own? My class argued how "adults" don't expect much out of our generation, which for the most part is true, leading to a sense or perceived apathy we tend to project. I mean look at marginalized groups that speak out but they're never heard unless a member of a privileged group speaks out. It's never the voices of the oppressed that are heard and the same can be said for young adults (although the parallels are different based on layers of context).
If our society were to change it needs to happen on all levels, I think the article points that out well when it states we can't live the way we do and still be "environmentally friendly" (stop draining Earth of all her resources without expecting the planet to save itself at the expense of our demise). The question is whether everyone is willing to recognize that and forgo their beliefs in order to affect change. I think the answer is no, but who knows maybe something big (maybe catastrophic or changing the way we perceive we reality) will happen.
* A way to make sure our ecosystem doesn't collapse please be kind to honey bees and plant bee-attracting flowers since they're dying out. They play an integral role in supporting life on the planet.
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