The network is what exactly?

The smartest person in the room is the room itself...
The smartest person in the room is the room itself...
The smartest person in the room is the room itself...
The smartest person in the room is the room itself...

I keep reading and re-reading and I can't think of anything to say about this quote. I read it and then I'm like I get it. I read it again and then I'm like do I really get it?

The room = network of ideas and people. It's what brought these things together to create knowledge.
I get what he's saying but I can;t seem to really grasp this idea. In my head it's like the network is some separate entity that exists outside of the ideas and people and facts and acts like a kind of rope. Is it not made of ideas? experiences? symbols? What is the network made up of? Or is the network knowledge? Or maybe it's everything ever known? I don't know I'm just thinking.

I can see the room/network being all and everything, if there's to be a network there'd have to be an understanding of the ideas it's connecting right? The network isn't just connecting it's confirming, disproving, and altering. I guess I'm more curious about the network, the way it connects through disconnections, the way it connections through a holistic perspective, the way it intertwines through by going through holes but later filling those holes. The affect this network has on getting people from many areas to work together is great and awesome, but I can't help but be fixated on the network itself than it's affect. In summation: I didn't know what to day about so I wrote about what bothered me the most.


  1. I can honestly say that I was in the same position while trying to write about this quote. I understood what the quote was saying, but had a difficult time trying to connect its metaphor to the physical world without getting too philosophical. I don't think that the network itself is knowledge, because the network is just a series of codes, but those codes have the ability to be the medium for the knowledge, the network itself doesn't understand the knowledge, the users do, or they should at least.

  2. The best way to find out the answer to something is to ask the question. So, that's smart of you.

    My understanding of this particular sentence is that a group of people in real life may only be as smart as the smartest person in the group. That is, that the knowledge of the many others in the group can only grow to be the same as the knowledge of the smartest person (this is a really basic and generalized example). But with the internet, we're THE biggest group of people ever. And the room that we're in (the internet) also happens to be filled with all of the knowledge ever. So we can only be as smart as every human being to produce every bit of knowledge ever. Which is way smart.

    I hope I'm making sense. Hehhhhh. I don't know. Did I help?


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